Assorted function that are used throughout the application.
add_content_response | Adds a Response to a Responses object with the given status code, Content-Type and MediaType .
add_media_type | Adds the media to the given map. If the map already contains a MediaType with the given
Content-Type, then it will be combined with media .
add_schema_response | Adds a Response to a Responses object with the given status code, Content-Type and SchemaObject .
ensure_status_code_exists | Checks if the provided status code is in the responses.responses field. If it isn't, inserts
produce_any_responses | Merges the the two given Responses .
set_content_type | Replaces the Content-Type for all responses with content_type .
set_status_code | Takes a Responses struct, and sets the status code to the status code provided for each
response in the Responses .